Crystals 2
This is just another way of making some pretty crystals, like this.
First pick the background color you want to use, I'll use black for this demonstration, and a pretty pink for foreground,
- open a New Image CTRL+N, 300 x 300 pixels.
- Now create a New Layer by going to Layers >> New >> Layer or (SHIFT CTRL N), select the Polygonal Lasso Tool
*note: make sure feathering is set to zero*
- Using the Polygonal Lasso Tool
begin from the top and start going point to point, NOT dragging/drawing and have them meet back in the corner, make sure they it meets where you started or that little thing will just follow you around and make you go bonkers, like this:
- Click on the Paint Bucket Tool
and fill with the color of your choice, I choose pink, like this:
- Go to your Layers Palette, right click on your Layer and go to Duplicate, clcik YES on the pop up.
- You should only have three layers on your Layers Palette like this:
- Make sure your Top Layer is selected, then use the drop down menu, change the Layer Mode to Screen, view image above.
- Now you will see a layer that is lighter, Select the TOP Layer, use the Move Tool
and move it a little so you see both, click on CTRL D to deselect and it should look something like this:
- Make a New Layer. Repeat the step you did with the selection tool, except draw different triangular shapes that half over lap the others, like this:
- Now use the Paint Bucket Tool
and Fill it with your choice of color.
- Now go to the drop down menu on the Layer Palette and change the Layer Mode to Screen.
- Continue doing this with as many layers as you like. You can change some of the layer mode to Multiply . Just play around with it until you've made something that looks great! And dont forget to try different colors too!