Oh here is a nifty tutorial on how to make a Disco Ball, hey you might want to add one to a layout you never know.
Create a new image with a transparent background, 200x200 pixels in size. Your background should look checkered thats how you know its transparent.
Go to "Edit >> Fill >> Pattern" and find the one that says "Wax Crayon on Vellum" (should be under "Artist Surfaces") and select it. (view both pics below)
You should see this now:
Now go to Filter >> Pixelate >> Mosaic and set the cell size to about 8 squares.
It should look something like this now:
Go to your TOOL PALETTE (on the left hand side), Choose the MARQUEE TOOL, and choose ELIPITICAL MARQUEE:
Make a selection like this, start from the top left corner to begin making the circle:
Go to "Filter >> Distort >> Spherize", keep the amount to 100 and the mode to normal and it should look like this:
Hit CTRL + SHIFT + I and it will invert the selection. If you see a dotted line around the ball and the edge then you know you did this step correctly , so it should look like this:
Go to Edit >> Cut, it will cut the selection out and it should look like this now:
At this point you can stop and just save the file as a .gif or you can conintue on and add some of your own special effects, such as lighting.. so lets continue.
Go to Filter >> Render >> Lens Flare and set the brightness to 80% and the lens type to: 105mm Prime. Reposition the lens flare anywhere you would like it to be.
That should pretty much do it for you, wasnt that fun now?