This tutorial will show you how to add a double border, thier might be other ways and if I find them I will post them, but this is the first.
Open the image you want to use and Add a New Layer, by going to Layer >> New >> Layer
Hit CTRL + A to select the whole image.
Then go to Edit >> Stroke and on the pop up, use the settings below, you can experiment with other settings as well.
Now CTRL+D to Deselect
Now were going to add the 2nd border
Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool
Zoom into about 300 use the Navigator to do this, this is so you can see the distanct from the edge to where you want the 2nd border to be.
Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool , Draw out a box about 1 pixels distance away (on the inside of course) from the first border. You can change the distance to whatever you like.
Go Edit >> Stroke and use the same settings as the first time or change it to what you like, click OK
CTRL + D to Deslect and you are done now, you can zoom out, add any text and save your image.
If you want the area that is white like in my above sample and you want to fill that with a color then do this.
Use the Magic Wand Tool click on the area between the TWO borders so it's selected like this:
Now use your Painte Bucket Tool and fill it with the color of your choice, so you should have something like this now.
Your all done now, don't forget to save your image.