Retro Image

I don't know what to call this, but it's basically giving a regular image a retro color/style, kind of like the 70ish type look, check out the sample. I'm sure you can do a lot better (=.

  • Open up any regular picture you'd like, I will use this one below, click on it, for a pop up, then right click and save to your computer.

  • Lets desaturate the image, go to Image >> Desaturate, your image should be black and white.
  • Go to your Tools Palette, select the Pen Tool , after selecting your tool, up at the top make sure you have selected the paths option, the option in a circle.

  • With that pen tool, you will need to go all around your subject, like I have below, continue going until you get to where you began.

  • Once you reached your start point click on the sport so that your path is closed, check below for the example.

  • Click to continue
