This tutorial will show you how to make really cool scanlines to any graphic, check out the image below, cool huh?
Open a new image, File >> New and use the settings below:
- Now zoom into your new image, View >> Zoom In enough so its big and then go to your Tools Palette and Right Click on the Selection Tool
to get the Rectangle Marquee Tool which is what your going to use.
- Using the Rectangle Marquee Tool, select half of the image. If you cant and it fills it all then just drag it and it should go halfways. Use the Paint Bucket
and fill in ther selected part. CTRL+D to Deselect.
- Next got to Select >> Select All and then go to Edit >> Define Pattern >> on the little pop up, name your pattern, I'm naming mine scanlines since thats what it is.
- You can now close or minimize the image you had and now open the image you want to apply the scanline too.
- I will use this image of Avril, feel free to use it if you like.
- With your Paint Bucket selected
go to the top of your Adobe you should see something that looks like this:
- Once you have selected your pattern, then go to your image and use the bucket and click on the image and you will have an nice scanline effect on your image.
- If this tutorial helped you, please spread the word and link PixelFx.ORG.