This is the 2nd version of Sinedots, a 3D filter that makes some cool 3D images without a 3D program. This is similiar to Sinedots 1 we just use a different filter.
You will first need to have your Adobe unloaded and download this file onto your computer. You will need winzip to download it so go to here and get that.
Unzip it and then put the file in your Plug-ins folder.
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 7\Plug-Ins
Open your Adobe if it's not already. Create a new image, pick a color and use the Flood Fill Tool and color the background any color you want.
Go to Filter > Dragonfly > Sinedots II, now just play around with the settings until you find something you like. Then press OK and you're done.
Now if you like, you can colorize the image to any color you want.
If notice some jagged edges, you can fix it by going to Layer > Duplicate Layer. Then go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Then go to Edit > Fade Gaussian Blur and adjust the Transparency to what you feel looks best for your image.