Xray Effect

This tutorial is designed to give your photo's an X-ray look. Really cool for making halloween graphics.

  • Open the image you want to use and a new image, about the same size as the image your going to use.
  • Use your Paint Bucket Tool and fill it with black.
  • Get your image you want to use, CTRL+A, CTRL+C and CTRL+V, so that you have pasted a copy over the black filled layer. Your Layers Palette should look like this

  • CTRL+I to invert the image, should look something like this.

  • Got to the Layers Palette right click on Layer 1 and go to Blending Options and set the blending option to Screen and 70%

  • Desaturate it Shift+CTRL+U

  • Go to Image >> Adjustments >> Brightness/Contrast then set brightness up +20 and contrast to -10

  • Create a new layer CTRL+N and go to Edit >> Fill and fill with a bright lime green like this, I used #31FF00
  • Click to continue
