March 27, 2005

Happy Easter

Finally an update Happy !, been really busy not only with making tutorials for this website but working on other projects, it's the same story each time, what can I say. Well I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter OMG!@#, I missed out on the festivities this year blank !. I recently closed my personal website in memory of my mother, she passed away on March 25, 2001 Frown so it's been closed all weekend, drop by and say a prayer it would be very much appreciated *click*, it will re-open tomorrow. Meanwhile I am going to try to make a couple of more tutorials Smile and hope that it will be enough to keep people happy, I know they are few but I have a lot of other websites I work on that needs attention as well, drop by and visit my Collective check out what I have. Grin

The tutorials I make are random sometimes they can be what people request, other times it's stuff I just wanted to add. If you haven't signed up with my mail list I urge you to do so, that way you do get an email letting you know I've done an update. I won't be specific in my emails about what I've added it will just generally tell you something has been added and to drop by and visit.

I want to remind everyone that there are tutorials that are cut off because I disabled the scrollbars, so if you find one email me and let me know so that I can fix that. I am considering a new layout also Dancing, it's up in the air right now because making tutorials is a little more important, but if anyone wants to contribute a layout, you will be linked on the main page for the donation, or even if you just make a header, not all submission will be used because well I do have my taste hehe Wink, just thought I'd throw that out there, I am also considering adding graphics here, nothing major just things that people may like to use like avatar, button templates that kind of stuff, not sure about that also, I won't be making them, I may add a few staff member, so be looking for that, not sure when I will post the staff join page, but like I mentioned it's all up in the air!

There are more hostee's added Dancing, I may be repeating some so forgive me Allyssa, Spiral Collective, Anna, Ashley, SD Awards. I lost another 2 well one got kicked out Shocked, and one moved on to better things Smile. I might add another 2 or 3, I am getting picky though with who I host. After that it will be by invitation only.

I wanted to quickly say I am looking for staff members at Dorkie Reviews, so if your interested and have the time drop by, I recently as I mentioned opened up my Collective, I also opened up a Pet Portal, have a pet? Then join PetLove Portal. Just needed to get that in Happy ! Okay well that is all for now. Have a great evening everyone Love

Posted by Emily at 07:32 PM | Comments (203)

March 08, 2005

I forgot, Lol

I totally forgot that I need to write in my MT at least once a month or it won't show up, Lol @ me blank ! !! So here I am, I am working on another project so I had to stop making tutorials today Frown , but I'll resume tomorrow. I think that I can post some up this week, yay Dancing. I take that back, I just need to edit my archiving here Lol.

I don't have any new news to give you, except that I should be adding a few new hostees, they are still in the making of setting up thier websites, I did lose 2 hostees, but thats okay they moved on to bigger and better things, like thier own domain, well at least for one of them anyway Grin. This is going to be a very short update, because I have a lot to do, so I'll update again later this week when I add the tutorials, please don't forget to read the rules on my plugboard, I have a feeling I am going to have to start banning people Die.. and I don't want to do that. Okay well I'll talk to you all later. Have a great week Love

Posted by Emily at 12:42 AM | Comments (715)

March 05, 2005

Mt Back Up!!!

Hey finally had the time to put this back up, yes MT is back Dancing, and I'm happy about it, so now I can update so much easier, first time was great, 2nd time even better, I thought, "well since I am re-installing this, I might as well make a tutorial, yay. I want to thank everyone that has signed up for the mail list, I got a lot of replies for that, so thats great. I won't promise a bazillion tutorials each time, they will trickle in little by little. I have a lot of work I am doing not only in my personal life but my net life is just as busy. So all I ask is patience, thanks so much Love

I added a plugboard Smile, and for awhile it was going great, but I began to notice a patttern with some visitors Frown, that I don't feel really used the site, but just came to plug themselves, it's all good bu when I see a few buttons show up way too many times, that gets annoying Wink , it takes away from pluggers that really truly use the site Happy ! . So I decided time for rules!! Yes, so if you don't follow them, you will be banned from the board, simple as that. I'll post again later, when I actually uploaded any tutorials, this post was a test to see that everything is okay with the blog, there might be problems but you can live , Okay with that I am out of here to do more work.

Posted by Emily at 12:05 AM | Comments (1532)