This won't be too long, my main computer crashed on me , but I am still going to try to make more tutorials, I have lots of suggestions, and I'll see what I can do. I am using a laptop and well it don't feel the same, this seems to have a little problem when I type certain letters which is weird cause it never did that, so I'm wonder what the heck is wrong, but I am dealing with it.
I'm happy though because I got the DSL hooked up to my laptop so I'm wireless and trust me that makes such a difference. I've been wanting to add a new page so that you can quickly go see what has been added, I will start with the last tutorials I added because I don't know what I added before that Lol.
sorry!! I deleted the email of the girl that emailed me and happen to remind me of that, thank you sweety, drop me an email so I can plug you.
I wanted to welcome a group of new hostees , please take sometime and visit them Felicia, Ashton, Chelsea, Cyrina, Donovan, Jennifer, Rebecca, Tallina. Phew yeah thats it so far, good kids moving in, glad I'm able to help. Some may not be moved in, so check back again, I'm sure they will appreciate it.
Speaking of people, this one boy applied to be hosted here, now my site has been around for over a year now, so a lot of people know about it and have probably at some point used something on here, including this boy I am talking about, Okay so I have a question on my hosting form asking if you as the visitor applying for hosting would join my fanlisting, now its NOT a requirement, so if a person says, I'll think about it, I'm happy with that answer, but this boy said well it depends if the hosting is good. I don't know about all you but he apparently only cares about my space and not me, or what I do here, so we went back and forth, with emails, he ultimately said I should get a life, and that I should learn how to spell, he said that because in one email I did a typo WOW!!! I guess I'm suddenly a bad speller Lol. Anyway if your going to apply here, and think like that, then DON'T APPLY.
Speaking of applying, I updated my hosting form and rules, so I need to email everyone and have them read the rules again, and understand them. Geez I offer good hosting here, I don't complain much, unless they break a rule, I ask for an update once a month, plenty of space, got alll the benefits, like I told Stephanie, you can't get better hosting unless you purchased it yourself, but hey guess what I'm paying for it, and your not, so I guess all I want is respect you know, asking to join my fanlisting is not a whole heck of a lot to ask, don't you think??? Ok enough of my rant, join my mail list if you want to be notified of new tutorials.
Hey whats up? I know you all been waiting for an update, well here I am to give you one. .. What have I been up to? Well I have been trying to work on tutorials as promised. It's funny because I made a few before but never posted them, and now that I was organizing what I wanted to add and know exactly what it is I am adding, I am happy to say I have a few extras
I was going to write, " I don't know if it will make everyone happy" but I take that back, I know it won't
because not everyone is ever happy with anything I do. Speaking of not being happy, I have had to say goodbye to a few hostees, gone on to better things, others lose interest and others just get kicked out. I had this one hostee say to me after I finally decided to let her go that she "recommend" that I let future hostees know that I am impatient and "not helpful" imagine that? If anyone that knows me, and has had a one on one help session with me, can tell this hostees ::cough JADE cough::
something different. I didn't go off on her lol, I figured I'd rant about it during my update here, just so some people can see how some people can be.
I'm not going to base my whole update on that, but go on to better things, I'm hoping for a new layout soon, how soon who knows hehe. I would like to convert to .PHP, but do you know how long that would take, OMG forever, hehe. I did convert my review site though, and just that took time, this will take me a very long time, but I hope to eventually get around to it. I am very behind on a few other websites, but I managed to squeeze in updating some of them, so I'm happy about that
I'll briefly run down what I added, if you joined my mail list you should get a notice letting you know I have finally uploaded the new tutorials, it is getting close to being 6am, and I did want to write this update now, but I feel I'm getting tired so I just might take my few hours of z's and then upload them when I get up, but I'll send out that email right after I have uploaded and checked to make sure everything is working fine.
I had a great weekend , but if you want to hear about that, then drop by my personal website @ antilove, speaking of, I've neglected that site a bit too not to mention my web directory which I have plans of doing a full update tomorrow after I upload the new tutotrials. Okay well that's all for now, have a great week!