June 13, 2005

Working On Tuts

I'm happy Smile to say that I am despite my computer problems Annoyed working on a few tutorials, when I can add them I don't know I'd like to at least add 10. I've got a few written, plan on making one or two tonight.

I finally updated my sidebar with my hostees, phew I got a good bunch. Although I still have my hosting form up, I am probably not going to accept anymore, but I will reply to everyone that does submit and let them know whats going on.

I'm going to set up the rotation I spoke of before, I hope to do that this week. I also have not changed over the mail list yet, I want to do that this week also. With the computer problems I seem to be experiencing it gets frustrating Beat Up and I put doing things off until a later time.

Finally Grin I wanted to announce that a Pixelfx Fanlisting has reopened, the lovely Ashley Dancing has opened it up, so I know a lot of people come to this site and I am hoping you will join the Pixelfx Fanlisting and show your Love and appreciation that it exists, it really does make me feel better that I spend the time I do on this website and don't really ask much in return. So come on go join Pixelfx Fanlisting

Okay before I finish here, next week (not that anyone notices) I won't be adding anything, I hava very important person coming from London to visit me Happy ! for a week, and that is who all my attention will go to. Okay thanks have a great week and please join Pixelfx Fanlisting, Pixelfx Fanlisting, Wink

Posted by Emily at 09:38 PM | Comments (1141)

June 04, 2005

Help me get a Laptop!

I didn't really have much to update about. I haven't added any new tutorials, although I am adding a new mail list script Wink , so whomever signed up for that I will be sending a final email asking everyone to go and resubmit to the mail list, I think I like it much more than the current one. Smile Oh yeah I want to thank Jen one of my hostees for this sweet gift she gave me *luff u* Jen!!! Isnt she awesome, I feel Love I moved the gift to a subpage.

I am up to 29 hostees OMG!@# , I may take a few more than going to close up hosting again. I will tell you right now, I am being strict with hosting, if I see you slacking off I will ask "whats up?" Die.. more than one time, as I've said many times, if you plan to have a website with me you must plan on using it, because there are a lot of people wanting to be hosted and that will use the space they are provided. I also noticed some hostees are not linking back Worried call me a bitch Beat Up but this is space I am paying for and your not so the least you can do is link me BACK. I have had a lot of people submit, but seriously if you do not have a website up I won' t even consider you unless there is a good reason, if you just started your site chances are I wont host you because I wan't to see how you maintain your site. I don't need to go into this because it's all in my rules page.

For those of you how decide to visit for no reason than to plug your site, hehe is okay with me, but if I feel your being excessive about it I will ban you Shocked so don't be surprised. I have not added tutorials due to computer problems, I don'twant to be working on something then something suddenly happen. So I was able to install a new hartd drive and the operating system, so today I hope to get my dsl added on there and then I am on my way to working on tutorial, I will be honest, sometimes I do get well bored with making them, but once I begin I do feel better about it. I have way too many sites and I try to keep up with them all, so my time is being spread around hopefully evenly, so patience is a big thing here. Thank you for those who have submitted suggestion, don't feel I am ignoring them, there is just one of me Grin and I do what I can.

Before I go I want to say two things I joined this website where I can get a laptop for 5$ and believe me I plan on trying it, I do not get any spam mail like i did when I was going to try to get anipod omg I had to change emails because of that. But I joined this new one ezlaptop click on that if you plan on joining please use that link if you are going to let me get credit for it. I have 10 credits out of 210 that I need to get. They don't spam your email box, you read emails for one credit, and also get credits from referrrals, so you get an email inbox from them and that is where your emailsgo for you to read, so at least check it out and help me get a laptop for 5 dollars, I wil totally love you forever hehe. So please join ezlaptop join ezlaptop join ezlaptop join ezlaptop join ezlaptop join ezlaptop

I'm going to start a rotation here at pixelfx, it's going to be a paid one, a very inexpensive one actually, you'll be very pleased, as you can imagine, I get a lot of visitors so your banner will be displayed on here a lot, so if your interested keep checking for that, if you use my referral for the ezlaptop I will add you on that banner rotation or free and for the duration that my website is up. Ok thats it for now, thanks everyone and help me out here.

Posted by Emily at 05:09 PM | Comments (254)